About us

Domotechnology was founded in 2001. 
Originating from a unique idea to support the KNX installer in the back then young EIB/KNX home automation system. 

Manager Karel Segers and his team noticed that it was very difficult to find extensive, professional knowledge about the KNX home automation system. Electrical wholesalers also offer other home automation systems. That is why it is difficult for them to have the same expertise in-house. Moreover, commercial realities prevent them from spending the necessary time on advising their customers in detail. They often lack practical experience with their own components, and have to support different 'home automation' systems. 
At Domotechnology we work in a different way. More than 20 years ago we decided to work with the then EIB (now KNX) system. By working exclusively with the EIB/KNX system we can focus on all the possibilities that this system has to offer. By now this has proven to have been an excellent choice. Over the past 20 years, we have seen various home automation systems pass by, several of which no longer exist or whose “older” versions are no longer compatible with their “latest” version and possibilities. Thanks to the use of KNX we can, for example, simply add a visualization to the smartphone or tablet in “older” installations without having to replace the existing components. Furthermore, at Domotechnology we use the acquired knowledge from our rich past to assist novice and more experienced KNX installers when the installations become technically more complex or when extensive functionalities are requested by the client that the installer is not involved with on a daily basis. 

The complexity will only increase in the future with the integration of the smart meter, the optimal use of the self-generated energy and the consumer rate in order to, for example, charge the EVs as optimally as possible and supply large consumers with energy in a smart way.

We ensure that this complicated and technical matter can be operated in a simple, user-friendly and clear manner for the end customer or even runs automatically. 


Domotechnology is founded. 
In one of the first projects we are asked whether it is possible to listen to music in different rooms so that everyone can choose their own music. Of course, this had to be controllable via the EIB push buttons and the visualisation. Our first system integration with music is a fact. The result is a 20 zone audio control. 
Our first EIB installation is equipped with a visualisation. Not a fixed screen in the wall but a portable tablet/pc, namely the 'Fujitsu Siemens Stylistic' which was far ahead of its time.


Domotechnology invests in a multifunctional training room that is fully equipped with KNX home automation and is continuously kept up-to-date. Both the KNX training courses and product-specific workshops and information evenings are organised in this training room. The training courses go much further than just theory. They are supported by extensive practical experience. 


Domotechnology places even more emphasis on system integration. New components are studied in function of the possible implementation in a new or existing KNX installation. In the years that followed, more and more customers discovered their way to Domotechnology. Not only installers, architects and project developers, but also construction companies and engineering firms. Everyone who is confronted with the question of home automation and automation in their professional activities, will find the answers to all their questions at Domotechnology. 


Domotechnology is one of the 4 companies that co-founded the Belgian KNX Professionals. As can be read in the KNX journal of 2009 and in the press release. To this day, Domotechnology is still active in the Active Board of the Belgium KNX Professionals. 
In 2009, Domotechnology was also invited by the KNX Professionals in the Netherlands, where we were given the opportunity to present our simple integration of a multi-room audio system to the KNX Professionals present. A practical example was used to demonstrate how easy it is to integrate a multi-room system into an existing or new KNX installation. The innovative touchscreen operation of the then popular Frontrow media center from Apple was also presented. Which was unheard of at the time. 


Domotechnology is recognized as a KNX++ Training Center by the KNX Association. As a result, we have been certified to provide KNX Basic, Advanced and Tutor training since 2011. More information about our KNX training center can be found here. 


Belgium welcomes the 1000th KNX partner. Domotechnology provided this training. International journal, Belgian journal


Domotechnology travels to Portugal in early May for the presentation of ETS5 beta. During the conference, we can be the first to get acquainted with the new ETS5 environment and we can test the new software in practice. The ETS5 will be officially released later this year in October. 
During the Light And Building fair in Frankfurt. Domotechnology is nominated for the KNX award 2014. With the project "Breading bumblebees and mites with knx" 


Domotechnology participates for the first time in the national KNX award and is invited on stage as the winner. 


Domotechnology gives one of its first projects from 2001 a thorough update and integrates the latest gadgets while retaining as many existing EIB components as possible. 


Domotechnology puts new training panels into use in its KNX training center. This allows students to work with the most modern KNX components. 


Domotechnology is admitted to the ETS6 beta test group. 


Domotechnology is nominated for the international KNX award in the category Smart Home Award and People Choice Award with the project Flanders House 


Today, Domotechnology is one of the leading knowledge centers for KNX and home automation in Belgium. 

About us

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